Vijayawada Garden Estate Apartment - The Project Matrix 2

Architectural Precedent

Vijayawada Garden Estate Apartment – Penda Architecture

Key concept 

Vijayawada Garden Estate is a high-rise residential project which belongs to Pooja Crafted Homes. This project mainly focused on green living building, and creative spaces. Penda Architects is the project designer. Nowadays, high-rise apartments is becoming the main-stream way for people and it can effectively reduce the impact of the shortage of urban living space caused by the increasing population. After the trend of mass-production in architectural industry, architects should consider space flexibility and individualism become again. And in 1960s, Japanese architects mentioned a new theory of architecture development, Metabolism. It means metamorphosis and transformation in biological way, and it is mainly about the endless change of interior and surrounding environment occurs in the building. (Raffaele P, 2004) Among them, Nakagin Capsule Tower, designed by Kurokawa can be regarded as the representative work.

Although this theory eventually was abandoned because of technologies and some reasons. But the modular system of building parts and replacement of old components is gradually be used in modern architecture. Meanwhile, based on the popularity of sustainable building and promotion of living with nature, Vjiayawda Garden Estate apartment can be considered as a good example of the complex of thsing e modular system and green building. Penda architect separated all essential elements of building, walls, ceilings, façade, floors, and other structure. Only structural frame and infrastructure are stable part. Therefore, in this building, most walls, ceilings floors, handrail, plant pots and balconies can be replaced if required. Even residents can design their own apartment in some levels. So basically flexibility and modularity is the main concept and features of Vijayawada Garden Estate apartment.

Selected design element

For selected design element of this project, a combination of some units with some removable panels is what I want to make in this course. First of all, the main feature of this project is modular system. Therefore, I want to make the stable grid structure, and make some removable panels for balconies, walls, and ceilings. Basically, it will be like using boards to fill the frame. For connection, it should have some grooves in at the middle of the grid structure, then all board can be placed in those grooves, and there are nails or something else can hold them together. Because each board as a wall is detachable, thus there are many different changes in the plan of this model during the making process, so different combinations will be tried in this model making.

How is the key concept reflected in the design studio?

For the next year studio, my stream is architecture (non-stream). If I enroll in Housing studio, this concept will be the direction I want to work on. Or in the work, I will use the features of this architecture precedent as much as possible into the residential building design. Because flexibility of residential building means how far the self-design apartment can be achieved, and it also means what extent owner can change their living area. For the design of residential buildings, requirements from residents are the primary considerations and the most important things. Today’s young people have higher requirements for the design of living environment, and they may be more interested in the uniqueness and individually of apartments or houses. Thus, more flexible residential spaces can largely meet their needs, and this design can provide more possibilities for residential buildings. They can be set up as high-quality and comfortable office spaces or split more rooms for different families according to their needs.

Geometrical description of the shape

The original one is a high-rise apartment, therefore I will only make one unit from one level for this physical model. Which means this model will have more details than first project. The actual size for one level is height: 3.2m. The area of one unit will show on the plan. For model making, the first thing is to cut out frame grid structure, this component will use balsa wood to cut out, and all grooves will be cut on these wooden frame, then wooden wall can be cut by laser cutting.

Proposed scale, material, technique:

1.       Scale: 1:50
2.       Material:
Plywood (laser cut)
balsa wood(hand cut, wood workshop)

Time commitment, budget:
1.       Digital files
Rhino file preparation: 1 day
2.       Building base and all structure pieces (laser cutting): 3 days

1.       Plywood: $16.00
2.       Balsa wood 9.5mm: $15.35
3.       Laser cutting: $30.00
4.       Glue: $12.00

Total price: $68.00


Material price:
All information and images from:
Raffaele Pernice (2004) Metabolism Reconsidered Its Role in the Architectural Context of the World, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 3:2, 357-363, DOI: 10.3130/jaabe.3.357


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